EU’s Push for Electrification of Corporate Fleets
To ensure a successful transition to zero-emission mobility, the report emphasizes the need for binding zero-emission targets for fleets as part of the Greening corporate fleets initiative. The most ambitious scenario proposed by the report suggests that by 2030, all new corporate cars should be zero-emission, with an interim target of 50% by 2027. This trajectory aligns with the commitments of European carmakers and would result in substantial CO2 emission reductions.
With the potential to deliver significant benefits for EU citizens, the automotive industry, and energy security goals, the European Commission is urged to take action by proposing binding zero-emission targets for all new corporate cars. By doing so, the EU can bridge the gap in electrification, promote the transition to sustainable transportation, and achieve its increased Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR) targets. The electrification of corporate fleets represents a critical opportunity to drive rapid emissions reductions and propel Europe towards a greener and more sustainable future.
Source: The corporate cars problem and what the EU can do about it | Transport & Eviroment